The 7 Deadly Sins of General AI Models (And How Fine-Tuned, Specialized LLMs Are The Future)

Save Millions Integrating AI: How Specialization in AI Models Transforms Business Operations

In today’s Future Friday…

Sometimes, the most effective solutions don't come with a big fanfare but with the quiet confidence of knowing exactly what you need. Stay tuned as we unveil these sins and their saving grace.

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Why do fine-tuned models outperform general models?

Who doesn’t love a jack-of-all-trades? General AI models can crunch big data, chat like a human, and even make art. But when it comes to the intricate demands of your unique business needs, does it truly deliver?

Ah, the allure of large AI models.

From gluttonous resource consumption to sloth-like sluggishness in performance, “The Seven Deadly Sins of General AI” often lead companies down a path littered with pitfalls. 

So, what's a founder to do? Throw in the towel and stick to spreadsheets? Absolutely not! The future is still AI-powered, but it's not about one-size-fits-all, large language models (LLMs).

The salvation lies in fine-tuned, specialized LLMs. It's about time we turn the page from the jack-of-all-trades to the master of one – or at least a few. 

Let's unravel these seven sins and see how tailored, fine-tuned AI models could be your business's saving grace.

Deadly Sin #1 Gluttony: Overconsumption of Resources

General AI models are resource gluttons. They demand high computational power and significant investment, often leading to an unsustainable drain on company resources. Specialized models, in contrast, are lean and efficient, consuming far fewer resources for targeted tasks.

Deadly Sin #2 Pride: The One-Size-Fits-All Fallacy

There's a certain pride in deploying the biggest and most talked-about AI models. However, this one-size-fits-all approach overlooks the unique needs of businesses. Specialized models bring humility and relevance, tailored to specific tasks and objectives.

Deadly Sin #3 Sloth: Sluggish Performance

The expansive nature of general AI models can lead to latency issues, slowing down processes and responses. Specialized models are nimble, offering faster and more efficient performance suited to specific business operations.

Deadly Sin #4 Greed: Cost Inefficiency

Splurging on a fancy general AI model can be tempting, but it's like paying for a first-class ticket when you only need to go a short distance. Fine-tuned models are more like an economical yet comfortable ride – they get the job done without compromising on quality.

Deadly Sin #5 Wrath: User Frustration

The limitations in accuracy and applicability of general models can lead to user frustration. Specialized models, by being more accurate and relevant, can significantly enhance user satisfaction and engagement.

Deadly Sin #6 Envy: Lack of Competitive Edge

Using the same AI tools as everyone else can make it hard to stand out. Specialized models allow businesses to carve out their niche, offering unique solutions that set them apart.

Deadly Sin #7 Lust: The Allure of Big Names

The lure of using big-brand AI solutions can be strong, but this often leads to overlooking better-suited alternatives. Specialized models might lack the big-name allure, but they offer a focused approach that is more aligned with specific business goals.

ℹ️ Why This Matters Today

It is now apparent that commercial LLMs often do not perform as well across a wide range of tasks compared to fine-tuned models. This is supported by a recent study that analyzed 151 tasks from 19 academic papers, revealing that ChatGPT falls short of fine-tuned benchmarks in 77.5% of these tasks. 

“Vanilla ChatGPT will be used as a quick prototype for some applications, but it will be replaced by a fine-tuned model (often smaller, for economical reasons) for most production-ready solutions.”

- the survey’s author concluded.

Plus, running large AI models can cost you a LOT. We did the math in a previous Deep Dive, and let’s just say costs could snowball to tens of thousands of dollars PER DAY. So check that piece if you’re curious as to how much you can save with fine-tuned LLMs.

🏆 Golden Nuggets

  • Imagine you have a trained LLM, capable of understanding and responding to language. It's learned a lot during training - grammar, vocabulary, and various topics.

  • While the LLM can be insightful and even creative, it might not be ideal for specific tasks. Its responses are based on its general training data, which may not be tailored to your needs.

  • This is where fine-tuning comes in. It's like taking your trained LLM to a specialization school for a specific task. You feed it additional data relevant to your goal, making it learn and adapt its "weights" (internal parameters) to excel in that specific area.


Paving the Way for Production-Ready Applications

Fine-tuning has really come into its own as a go-to strategy for AI creation, tailored to the specifics of the job and the data you've got on hand.

The evolution of AI is increasingly focused on models that are fine-tuned and customized for specific business requirements. The name of the game is precision and efficiency.

Tailored models can adapt to the specific data, workflow, and objectives of your business, providing more relevant insights and actions.

BUT, while brimming with potential, production-ready models face the challenge of translating that potential into real-world value.

Bridging the Gap from Theory to Production in AI

A significant challenge in AI integration is transitioning from theoretical model performance to practical, production-level applications. While many AI models show promise in a controlled or academic setting, translating these results into real-world business environments can be complex.

This gap often involves challenges related to scalability, integration with existing systems, data privacy, and operational consistency. Businesses need to focus on operationalizing AI models to extract their full value.

Who is solving this challenge?

Devvret Rishi, CEO and co-founder of Predibase, joined us in this week’s Caveminds podcast explaining how they are issuing the points described above and much more.

This is a conversation we’ve been looking after; he was also a product manager at Google Cloud AI and Kaggle, and a teaching fellow for AI at Harvard University. So you can tell that Devvret knows one or two things…

Time to bridge the gap: a success story and how you can apply it too

Facing complex challenges, investment insights platform Koble streamlined its AI development using Predibase, an open-source platform known for flexibility and scalability.

This allowed them to quickly build and deploy customized AI models, enhancing their investment platform.

The results:

  • Accelerated time to market: development time was reduced by 4 months, 10-20x faster than what it usually would take.

  • Streamlined model experimentation: iteration on over 100 model versions.

  • Optimized compute resources: automatically scaling of compute resources based on the complexity and size of training tasks.

⚒️ Actionable Steps

If you want to replicate Koble's success, here are some actionable steps:

Absolutely, here are the steps for enhancing startup investment analysis, presented in an unbranded manner:

1. Automate Feature Evaluation and Data Analysis:
  • Implement Automated Feature Selection Tools: 

    • Use machine learning algorithms to identify key features impacting your predictions.

    • Analyze extensive datasets to discover significant variables.

  • Integrate Advanced Data Analytics: 

    • Apply data analytics to process large amounts of investment-related data.

    • Extract actionable insights and identify market trends from complex datasets.

2. Integrate and Continuously Optimize Language Processing Models:
  • Seamless Integration of Language Models:

    • Incorporate language processing models to handle unstructured data like news and reports.

    • Adapt these models to your specific data analysis needs.

  • Ongoing Model Optimization:

    • Regularly update the models with the latest data for accuracy.

    • Adjust models based on performance feedback and market changes.

3. Employ Explainability for Insights and Regulatory Compliance:
  • Implement Explainable AI Features:

    • Use tools to decode and explain model predictions.

    • Make AI decision processes clear and understandable.

  • Compliance and Transparency:

    • Document AI processes for adherence to regulatory standards.

    • Provide stakeholders with clear explanations of AI decisions.

4. Deploy in a Secure and Scalable Cloud Environment:
  • Ensure Data Privacy and Security:

    • Use a secure cloud environment to manage data access and maintain confidentiality.

    • Implement robust security measures like encryption and access controls.

  • Customization and Scalability:

    • Tailor the cloud setup to meet specific computational needs.

    • Ensure the infrastructure can adapt to increasing data volumes and complexity.

You can find exclusive actionable insights, strategies, and mental models from all our podcast episodes in the Exclusive Guides we release along with the episodes. Become a premium member and gain access to them.


Is Microsoft eating his lil’ brother’s launch?

Microsoft just released Copilot Pro, and it's as powerful or even better than GPT-4 Turbo. The funny party? GPT -4 Turbo powers them.

Starting at $20/mo you can access Copilot with consistently fast performance, even during high-usage periods. With the pro version you will get also:

  • Multi-App Integration: With Microsoft 365 apps like Word, Excel, PowerPoint.

  • Early Access to AI Models: First access to the latest AI, such as OpenAI's GPT-4 Turbo, for advanced data analysis and content creation.

  • Improved AI Image Creation: Enhanced capabilities with Image Creator from Designer, powered by DALL·E 3.

  • Customizable AI Experience: Upcoming Copilot GPT Builder for personalized AI tools tailored to specific business needs.

That’s all for this Future Friday!

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