Build Any Software App with a Single Prompt, No Skills Needed - Even a Kid Can Master GPT-Engineer Today

Unlock Your Creative Potential with GPT-Engineer and Shield Your Privacy with Prem: Explore the Cutting-Edge of AI in Streamlining Software Development and Fortifying Personal Data Security

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I’m loving these cave drawings we’ve added each week

Hey Caveminds, welcome to another Future Friday! It’s Benson and Maxi. Today is going to change the game for us non-technical founders massively because AI has turned your weakness into a strength.

Even if you know how to code… it’s going to automate it for you.

Before we jump in, I’m thrilled to introduce a series of upcoming free AI webinar workshops designed to help you harness the power of AI.

We are going to teach you how AI-powered productivity, sales, marketing, development, operations, and so much more!

Our handpicked experts, a wealth of resources, and dedicated support within the Caveminds community make this series an unmissable opportunity.

In today’s edition…

  • 🤖 Imagine Turning Your Wildest Ideas into Real Code in a Blink - Discover the AI Wizard That Makes It Happen!

  • 👨‍💻 Meet the Guardian of Privacy: An Open-Source LLM That Puts You in the Driver’s Seat of Your Data!

  • 📈 Skyrocket Your Sales Game: Discover the Secret AI Platform That Revolutionizes Sales Training Processes!

  • 😉 Plus, Dive into a Treasure Trove of Cutting-Edge AI Tools and Insights That Will Leave You Awestruck!

Listen to today's edition:

Before we start, be sure to:

If you haven’t shared yet then you’re missing out on some amazing AI assets for your business. It takes a few clicks and your fellow founder friends will thank you.

Outwit, Outplay, Outcode: iCode in a Jiffy!

Today, in a new episode of: “Autonomous Agents: What Do They Know?: Do They Know Things?: Let’s Find Out!” we present GPT-Engineer 🤖

BoJack Horseman: “Let’s Find Out”

GPT-Engineer is the new kid on the AI block and comes under the bold promise of “Don’t know how to code but got cool ideas? Prompt me! I’ll code it for you.”

🏆 Golden Nuggets:

  • GPT-Engineer can generate a complete, bug-free codebase with a single prompt.

  • It doesn't just write the code; it clarifies details and asks questions about the project specifications, ensuring accurate and comprehensive execution.

  • It’s free and open-source, with over 31,000 stars on GitHub.

💰⌛ Impact On Your Business:

It's not about working harder; it's about working smarter, right?

GPT-Engineer could save countless hours in development time, reduce costs associated with bug fixes, and potentially accelerate revenue generation by getting your product to market quicker.

Think about the speed of execution and costs of developer savings for any current development you’re doing or shipping new features.

This could save you 10%, 25%, or even more 💵 

⚒️ Actionable Steps:

  • Plus this into ChatGPT-4 and work alongside it (speak to it like a human developer and share the entire Github link)

  • Clone the GPT-Engineer GitHub repo.

  • Use Conda to handle Python and module versioning issues.

  • Input your project description as a prompt in the system.

  • Answer any clarifying questions.

  • Run the file you requested and... Voilá

Don’t you know how to implement it? We’ve got the guide for you! 👇

Or watch this short video tutorial

Don’t Lose Your Sleep Over Privacy: Meet Prem

If you read our latest Deep Dive from Andrew, you know what the future of LLMs holds and the key role that privacy will play.

Ladies and gents, meet Prem, a privacy-centric and composable AI platform that leverages open-source Large Language Models (LLMs).

And the best part? — You get to be the boss of your own models. No middlemen!

🏆 Golden Nuggets:

  • Prem abstracts away technical complexities of AI deployment, fostering a new era of privacy-centric AI applications. It's like having your own personal AI butler.

  • Prem App, an open desktop application, serves as the primary interface for using the Prem Operating System, allowing users to launch self-hosted AI models with ease.

Why Does This Matter Today? Prem offers a solution tha leverages AI's capabilities without compromising their privacy or depending on large tech firms.

⚒️ Best Use Cases:

  • If you want to leverage the power of AI while retaining control and ownership of your models.

  • Integrate open-source LLMs into your applications without suffering technical complexities.

Find Files Faster, Work Smarter: Streamlined Data Management with Dropbox

🏆 Golden Nuggets:

2 main upgrades:

  • Dropbox is introducing Dropbox AI and Dropbox Dash to their platform. Dropbox AI will allow users to instantly summarize and ask questions about their Dropbox files

  • Dash is an AI-powered universal search engine that connects all of your tools, apps, and content in a single search bar.

💰⌛ What to expect:

  • Drastically reduce time spent locating and understanding files.

  • Enhance collaboration and decision-making by providing quick access to necessary information.

Have you ever wondered about the power that Artificial Intelligence (AI) could bring to your business?

Imagine leveraging this transformative technology to supercharge productivity, sales, marketing, development, and team processes. This is no longer just the realm of tech giants; it is a reality accessible to all businesses, including yours!

We are thrilled to introduce a series of compelling webinar workshops designed to help you navigate and harness the power of AI.

Fill out the form and let us know what topics you would like to see and learn about in our webinars.

Your mind’s cravings are our next webinar's flavor. 👇

AI Tools of the Week - This sales simulator can enhance your sales training efficiency, potentially increasing revenue by preparing reps for realistic customer interactions, and saving time and costs associated with traditional role-playing.

All you have to do is:

  • Implement the simulator into your sales training process.

  • Allow reps to engage in AI-simulated role-playing.

  • Utilize instant feedback for continuous improvement.

Best Use Cases:

The simulator is ideal for businesses seeking to improve their sales process. It's particularly useful for new sales reps, providing a safe space to practice and learn. It can also be beneficial for experienced reps looking to refine their skills and adapt to new sales scenarios.

MORE 🔥 TOOLS made waves this week over the internet. This platform allows users to design and publish websites without coding, offering features like animations, interactions, a CMS, and SEO optimization, with a focus on speed and ease of use. is a virtual recruiter that automates talent acquisition by creating a vetted list of candidates, engaging with them, and learning from feedback to improve future candidate outreach. It's definitely worth giving its free beta version a try. - If you tend to struggle with prioritization, this AI personal assistant and productivity app will help you focus on what truly matters.

Alright, that’s all for today!

If you thought today’s deep dive was great and you got even one actionable golden nugget of value, then please share this with at least 1 other founder or colleague.

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Epic win or, epic fail?

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Don't be shy, give us your thoughts, whether it's a 🔥 or a 💩.

We promise we won't hunt you down. 😉

🌄 CaveTime is Over! 🌄

Thanks for reading, and until next time. Stay primal!

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