AI-Powered Research: Your Shortcut to Better Strategic Decisions

Transform Months of R&D and Hundreds of Thousands in Costs into Days with AI-Powered Insights

In today’s Future Friday…

Drowning in data but starving for insights? Discover how AI research tools are the lifeline for data-driven decision-making in a sea of information overload.

Join 9,000+ founders getting actionable golden nuggets that are tailored to make your business more profitable.


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Navigating Through Data Overload

In today's fast-paced business environment, data inundates leaders at every turn. And probably you’re not the exception from this, or at least you have been there. 

Oracle NetSuite found that 95% of people across various regions, feel overwhelmed by the amount of data available to them when making critical decisions at work.

In 2018, Gartner reported that organizations failed to use almost 97 percent of their data.

The volume of information we handle every day is staggering, creating a risk of decision paralysis. However, companies that take advantage of their data can turn incredible profits

But hey, you know what we’re here for. Get ready to understand and know how to leverage AI to save you from the current data deluge.

Today, our focus shifts from historical data generated by business operations (output data) to forward-looking data that informs strategic decision-making (market research, business intelligence, etc.). 

ℹ️ Why This Matters Today

Mastering data research will set your business apart, as it will help you make faster and better decisions. 

This data empowers your business to gain valuable market/customer insights and optimize future operations.

This is the call to a more strategic, data-driven decisions.

What role does AI play? 

You know the saying: “garbage in, garbage out.” 

By this, we mean that if the data you’re getting to make decisions is not good, what AI do with it won’t be either. 

That’s why exceptional research plays a game-changing role here. And that’s what we’re expanding on next.

The Business of Helping Businesses with Decision Making

Picture your company’s usual research process. That one designed to maximize the ROI of your decision-making strategy.

Do you identify any common blockers yet? Here’s a guess:

Making sense of an ever-growing sea of data is a challenge that every business seems to struggle with, no matter their size or sophistication.

Traditional research methods, often manual and time-consuming, simply cannot keep pace. 

But there’s light at the end of the tunnel.

Roee Barak, founder of Upword, a research assistant tool, perfectly captures the essence of this challenge: 

We noticed the difficulty of managing the vast amount of information required for research and envisioned a software solution to address this challenge.

AI-powered research tools like Upword, are revolutionizing the way businesses conduct research, ultimately empowering them to make data-driven decisions with greater confidence.

Is your decision-making as optimal as you think?

These are the typical distorts and delayed decisions symptoms you can experience when your decision-maiking is not optimal: 

  • Bounded rationality

  • Commitment biases

  • Pressures of not having enough time

Most funders will be aware of time pressure. I mean, who hasn’t?  But the truth is that for most, bias and rationality are some of those things you simply cannot measure that easily.

So why not plug in AI-research tools and reveal and insights that might otherwise remain hidden?

🏆️ Golden Nuggets

  • Leverage AI-powered content recommendation engines to streamline the research process and save time sifting through irrelevant information.

  • Optimize knowledge retention by leveraging advanced summarization and chunking techniques that align with proven learning principles.

  • Foster collaboration and knowledge-sharing within your organization by integrating AI-powered research tools into your workflows.

Simplifying Your Company’s Research Workflow

One of the key benefits of AI-powered research tools is their ability to streamline the research workflow.

Imagine having a single, all-encompassing research assistant at your fingertips that can help you process content and collect all the key ideas and turn them into a business outcome.

This might sound simple, so see next how powerful it actually is.

💡 Best Use Cases

1. Venture Capital and Investment Firms: 

Investment professionals can leverage AI to monitor and discover early-stage startups and technology trends. They automate the tracking of VC investments, patent filings, and industry news, gaining insights into fast-growing sectors, potential investment opportunities, and the competitive landscape.

2. Corporate Strategy and Business Development:

Companies seeking to expand their product lines or enter new markets can use AI-driven exploration to map out the landscape of potential acquisitions, strategic partnerships, and growth opportunities. This opens up the gates for understanding the key players, technological advancements, and market dynamics much clearly.

3. Intellectual Property and Legal Teams: 

For organizations that need to safeguard their innovations, continuous monitoring of patents and scientific literature can highlight potential infringements or opportunities to patent new inventions. 

4. R&D and Innovation Teams: 

Teams dedicated to research and development across industries can enjoy a real boost from AI-powered research tools. 

For instance, a biotech company exploring novel drug therapies could use such a tool to quickly identify emerging trends in scientific publications, relevant patents, and new market entrants. This helps them guiding the direction of new product development.

In a nutshell, some of the key benefits that you can expect from leveraging AI on research are: 

  1. Enable informed decisions faster than competitors.

  2. Strategize more effectively and identify synergies that may not be apparent through traditional research methods.

  3. Protect your company's assets and fuel its portfolio growth.

  4. Fulfill unmet needs in the market, gaining a strong competitive edge.

💰 Impact On Your Business

Just with the previous benefits outlined you got an idea of the magnitude of the opportunity, depending on your type of business. 

To consolidate it even more and bring it home, let’s run some numbers so you can dimension the size of the opportunity here: 

Let’s assume that there are 48 work weeks per year and $150 per hour is the cost for R&D (covering salaries, overhead, infrastructure, etc.)

With AI-Powered research tools, you can expect time savings on:

  • Monitoring: Saving 40 minutes per week (by reducing the time from 15 minutes to 5 minutes for each data set)

  • Exploring: Saving 3.5 hours monthly (by reducing the time from 4 hours to 30 minutes for new topic exploration)

This equals 74 hours saved annually, which would be $11,100 saved at the current R&D cost per hour.

And this is jut considering an individual case. Multiply that by the size of your R&D team and you’ll get mesmerized.

Even if you don’t run your company with an R&D team, this example shows how simple efficiency improvements can really make the difference, even if it is just for you.

So the strategic application of AI-powered research tools lead to significant benefits for businesses, including:

  • Increased Efficiency: Drastically cut research and monitoring time, freeing up resources for crucial tasks. This boosts product development speed, market entry, and competitive response.

  • Strategic Decision-Making: Armed with up-to-date, relevant data, you can make better decisions on investments and strategies, enhancing success rates and goal alignment.

  • Cost Savings and ROI: Time saved turns into significant monetary savings, quickly showing the value of AI tools. This efficiency not only saves costs but also opens up new revenue avenues.


Tech Discovery Through Creative, Critical, and Strategic Thinking

Here goes a powerful framework for decision-making that you can apply with your teams.

Inspired by Becky Saltzman's teachings on thinking modes in her LinkedIn course, "Critical thinking for better judgment and decision-making," we explore how creative, critical, and strategic thinking can be applied to the field of technology.

In practice, each thinking mode offers a unique lens through which technology can be explored:

Creative Discovery

Ever wondered about game-changing innovations in your field? Creative discovery thrives on asking "what if?".

  • ​​What could be a game-changing or breakthrough innovation in my field of interest?

  • How are similar problems solved in other industries?

  • Might there be a completely different technological approach to solving my problem?

It leverages data from diverse sources to inspire innovative ideas.

Critical Discovery

New ideas are exciting, but are they realistic? Critical discovery helps evaluate their plausibility.

  • Is that market estimate accurate?

  • Is the technology truly "early-stage"?

  • "Back-of-the-envelope" calculations using data like population statistics can offer valuable insights.

Critical Discovery employs analytical techniques, such as back-of-the-envelope calculations, to test the feasibility of these ideas.

Strategic Discovery

Strategic discovery takes validated ideas a step further. It explores future scenarios. Then it uses these validated ideas to build actionable strategies, considering the necessary developments for technology commercialization and potential competitive advantages.

  • How would this new tech enhance your product?

  • When will it be commercially available?

Analyze company innovation strategies in your field. Look for patterns in data sets to understand where patents meet R&D activity, potentially revealing strategic company intentions.

💡 Whether it’s validating market size estimates or envisioning the strategic implications of holding unique patents, these approaches collectively empower decision-makers to identify, assess, and capitalize on technological opportunities.

⚒️ Actionable Steps

  1. Assess your organization's current R&D processes, and identify key areas that could be improved with some of the tools shared in the next section.

  2. Share this Critical-Thinking and Decision-Making course with your team and then run a brainstorming session around the main discovery phase your product is (creative, critical, strategic).

  3. Leverage the AI-powered research tech stack and compare results with your previous team’s performance.

  • — state-of-the-art technology that helps teams consume, capture, summarize and organize their most important knowledge more efficiently.

  • — bypasses the need for keyword queries, and helps narrow down a large corpus to a precise reading list.

  • — discover and explore companies, technologies, and ideas that enable your next product, service, or mission.


Inflection AI, the startup behind the beloved and emotionally-smart chatbot Pi, is changing gears. Instead of selling its AI directly to consumers, they're now licensing their tech to Microsoft, where most of Inflection's team (including the CEO) now works.

So yes… Microsoft's latest move shows once again that it's still hungry for promising startups.

The good news for Inflection's investors? They'll still be taken care of. Inflection will keep its secret sauce (technology) as it moves to this new business model, aiming to partner with big companies like Microsoft.

At Nvidia's big AI conference (GTC 2024), they showed off a super powerful new chip called the Blackwell B200. This chip is supposed to make giant AI models (think trillions of parameters) easier and cheaper to use, saving a lot of energy in the process.

Here's the even cooler part: Nvidia is aiming to become the one-stop shop for companies using AI. They announced new software tools to help businesses buy and use these powerful AI models.

This and much more was covered at the conference.

Big moves for Nvidia. Watch the replay here.

That’s all for today’s edition!

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